Search Engine Optimization is an entirely new concept for the users who are new to this concept. There are certain new terms that is to be understood if one is dealing with search engine optimization. There are terms like no follow, do index, no index, meta robots and many other related terms.
The concept shall be new to many people but with a lot of initiative people have taken an approach to deal with the subject and explain it to the new users those who want to research more about it.
There is nothing difficult about it as well. If you are dealing with this concept, you have to focus on the topic and with focus that is devoted to this concept one can truly understand the meaning of Search Engine optimization and apart from understanding the meaning of the concept, they can also be acquainted with the new terms and words associated with this concept.
There’s nothing rocket science about it. With focus and perseverance, they can understand the topic with utmost suave and charm.
Meaning- No Follow:
They do not allow the search engine bots to follow the links that has already been present. Take for example if any sort of random person or website owner wants to connect you through no follow attribute then the request shall not be approved and it shall pass because the humans and the people eligible to do so can only pass the attribute.
Without the permission of the person who is the owner of the link. This remarkable concept of no follow was introduced by Matt cuts and Jason Shell-en in the year 2005.
This concept was introduced by them in order to reduce the number of spams that a website was experiencing.
With passing days and months, the spams kept on growing and there was no other way to reduce the same, as a result these people came up with a concept of No- follow which attributes that no search engines shall not approve the links of the website that is already present.
Google do not take into consideration the effectiveness of such links. According to them they do not have any weight-age. Basically, they come into use whenever you do not want to use the other links and crowd your search engine.
With their help you can easily stop crowding search engine and stop the spamming that is mostly done by the websites and others these days.
Meaning- Do follow:
Do follow are those attributes that actually allow google along with other search engines to easily reach out them without much dilemma or complication. They are not at al hard to understand even for a layman or someone who is dealing with Search engine optimization for the first time. It is totally opposite than that of no follow link which does not allow the back links to reach the search engines.
This is actually good in a way as if someone wants to connect with you then they can do the same by generating back links for your group. The other way by which you can generate a back link for your website can be done through having a key word.
With the help of key-word you can actually help the person, whoever wants to connect with you to reach you via back links. There is no other simpler way to connect with each other if the connection cannot be done via back links.
Advantages of Do follow:
If you keep your blog or website as Do- follow then it becomes easy for other bloggers or visitors to visit your website without much dilemma and also generate a conversation with you as well as connect with you.
This helps in the development of friendship with each other clients in the region as well helps in generating more contacts with others. Any one can comment on your blog.
By anyone, any stranger can comment on your topic without much halt or stop. One of the biggest disadvantages of do- follow is when you are allowing anyone to comment on your blog as well as anyone to follow your blog; you are actually allowing people to spam on your feed.
Now there would be a high amount of spam on your feed or blog which is completely irritating at times. Thus, one should also be careful as to who is gaining access to your blog and who is reading the same.
When you find some obscene comment on your feed, then it would affect your reputation and it is not good for your reputation and fame and this is the reason why there should be a check and control over the number of spams that you receive.
Advantages of no- follow:
The no- follow detects the crooked and spammy intention of the users. If someone is allowed to fill your feed with obscene messages and other things then they will be obliged to do so, had there been no- follow links.
Thus, no- follow links help in mitigating spams that one gets on a website. There should be a limit to the same.
Thus, no- follow link helps in curbing the number of spams one gets on their website or search engine. It has played a remarkable role in catching hold of the spammers and removing them from SEO.
So, sometimes people think that no- follow link is not of much use which is why they disable they same, in order to get more connection as well as for expanding their partnership, they think that disabling no-follow can be a good idea.
One should think about no- follow as they also carry equal importance in fetching new back links so, you cannot completely do without them.
But if you come across some social networking sites like Facebook, twitter and others, then they are doing quite well without follow links.
They have huge number of people spamming and commenting on one another’s feed. Thus, it is not even right for completely doing without follow links.
You should have follow links, as it helps to generate friendship and partnership but at the same time remain aware about the spams that you get.
Maintain a balanced link profile:
One should always be neutral while deciding whether to go for follow links or no- follow links, as when you assess both of them, then follow links are way much better than the no- follow links and in some situation, no- follow links are much better than the follow links.
Well, a website should thus, have both follow and no- follow links. In the online market strategy both the links play an important role in handling the search engine optimization. Follow links has got their own advantages and same with the no- follow links.
If you have private website then go for no- follow link, then your website can be protected from other back links which is considered to be unnecessary while if you have an expanded website like Face book or any other social networking site, then drop the plan of having a no- follow link as it will not at all generate any back link and the popularity will also fade away as a result for such a site follow links are required.
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Rankit Sihmar Is CIO Of The Dynasty Digital Network. A Fast-Growing & Award Winning Digital Marketing Agency Helping World’s Leading Brands with Facebook Ads & Organic Traffic. Follow Him On”>LinkedIn