How to select the best wordpress theme for your website

How to select the best wordpress theme for your website

When it is about designing a wonderful application, it is important that you choose a perfect platform. Among so many platforms, WordPress is the most widely chosen platform for website development. WordPress is an amazing content management system that enables efficient website development. WordPress is the most widely chosen CMS because it brings a variety of features, functionalities, and plugins for efficient website development. WordPress is equally suitable for beginner developers as well because they can simply pick existing themes to create wonderful applications. WordPress brings in thousands of options for theme selection for a website. best WordPress theme development is bringing in customized layouts for website creation.

What is the WordPress theme?

WordPress is a famous content management system that offers functionalities for website design. It is the most popular CMS that brings customized WordPress theme options. These are ready-made layout which already exists on this platform. Developers can simply pick one of the existing themes for building different sites like blogging, news portals, business website, e-commerce stores, etc. These themes are customized to be used by developers and they can revamp these themes to create their own website.

Why be careful while selecting a WordPress theme?

Selecting a perfect WordPress theme for your website is not an easy task. It isn’t that difficult either but when you have a ton of choices and every theme looks better than others, it is really difficult to make a choice between them. WordPress brings you free as well as paid options for selecting themes.  When it comes to selecting a WordPress theme developers need to be very careful. Each website tries to bring the best for its customers. It is important to include a theme that users have never seen and is appealing to them.

Difference between theme and plugins:

It is important for theme decider to know the difference between theme and plugin. Themes are used to add designs and creativity whereas plugins are used to add functionality. It is important to understand the difference because this will help them pick a wonderful theme for website development. In order to select the best theme, you need to learn the right way to select the perfect theme for your website. A perfect theme is one that can effectively control both the design and functionality so that it could give you profitability for years and years.  On the contrary, if the design and functionality don’t come under one head, you have to change the theme accordingly.

Plugins and themes should go hand in hand. The number of impressive plugins you can use to attach all types of features to your website is one of the biggest benefits of using WordPress. Yoast SEO, W3 Total Cache, Wordfence Security, and BackWPup are a few plugins that you should install when running a website. Use any plugin you wish to, but make sure that your plugin and theme must unite with each other. Mostly, popular themes are compatible with all plugins. In case, you are unsure about the same, ask your theme developers.

How to select a perfect WordPress theme?

It is easy to use WordPress and WordPress theme development helps choose the perfect theme for a website. Here are the following ways to select a flawless WordPress theme for your website:

  1. Simplicity is the key :

    “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” by Leonardo da Vinci. There are contents that need a theme with lots of colors, animations, etc but when it comes to making a meaningful website, you should include these things wisely. Definitely you can’t stuff your website with such elements but keeping a dull website is also not correct. Try to maintain a balance with this. It is thus important to choose a perfect WordPress theme for designing a web application. Make sure the theme is helping you to accomplish your goal. Don’t only focus on a good looking theme. The theme should be useful and simple too. Many times, your theme looks good but doesn’t help your business to grow that simply means that your theme is not helping the users of the website. Better change it.

  2. Make a list of your requirements and Budget simultaneously :

    This should be your next concern, once you have decided on the type of theme you want. Learn more about your own website, the type of blog it will contain, will it contain more images or more videos or will it be a simple blog. Once needs are decided, the next thing is to view is the budget. As stated earlier, there are paid as well as free themes for your website. It is nowhere stated that free themes are not good, it totally depends on your website, users, and functionality.  Free themes also get updated from time to time.

  3. Check for Coding standards and good quality themes :

    A badly coded theme can affect your website by making things slow down. Select a theme that follows the recent coding standards and safest practices. The hackers may even get access to your website if you don’t use a theme with proper coding standards. That is why it is recommended to select a theme from a reputed provider. Select a theme that has thousand of downloads that meets the recent design trends.

  4. Check for ratings and reviews –

    The ratings, reviews, and feedback of their users are also a clear indicator of the consistency of a WordPress theme. You will see the customers’ feedback if the theme is provided on a third-party platform. Nearly every WordPress theme will receive some bad reviews. Yet you should read all the reviews carefully if the number of negative reviews is exceptionally high to ignore it.

  5. Your website should be user friendly :

    The new theme must be easy to use. This is essential. Regardless of what you do, ensure all your pages are consistent and are conveniently open to your users. The content should be readable and the design should fit the type of blog you are posting. Check those themes which can help build a user-friendly application.

  6. Check for SEO friendly themes –

    WordPress is one of the best content management systems for SEOs, and excellent themes make it even stronger. Therefore, choosing a theme for SEO-friendly WordPress is critical. WordPress beginners may find it difficult to get familiar with a theme’s code and examine the friendliness of their SEO. In this case, it is recommended to Confide in a theme creator when he says his theme is SEO-friendly. WordPress custom theme development helps you maintain this.

  7. Responsiveness is important :

    With the continuous use of mobile devices, responsive web design is necessary. Highly and completely responsive websites offer improved user experience. Also, the responsive design improves the search engine rankings and provides many other benefits to your website. It is thus important to choose only those WordPress theme which can make a website responsive on mobile as well other devices.

  8. Compatibility with browser :

    Every user may use a different browser to reach your website. And every browser does not work in the same manner. Your theme should look attractive on each browser. Your website may not work on every browser as most WordPress theme developers check their themes only on a few advanced browsers. Don’t forget to check that your theme works best on different browsers like Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.

  9. Language translator :

    Ensure your WordPress theme is ready for translation and supports WordPress plugins in many languages. Many WordPress websites are not available in English. You may also wish to create a website in any other language except English.  Perhaps, if you intend to create a WordPress multi-language site in the future, translation and Multilingual is important.

  10. Know about your page builders :

    Page builders are WordPress plugins that allow the user interface to create page layouts. Many premium WordPress themes are pre-installed with page contractor. Themes that you want to ship with one of the most commonly used builder plugins should be selected. These page builders can also be purchased individually for use with other themes.


WordPress custom theme development may give you a lot of choices, but getting perfection on your first trial is difficult. One should keep in mind that working with themes will give you perfection when you understand about various facets of your website like user’s choice, plugins, functionality, etc. With every try, you will get a better choice. The idea should be to select a theme that can create a website at a relatively low price with better functionalities.

When there are so many choices of themes in WordPress, it may get difficult to choose the perfect theme but with the above-mentioned ways, you can select the perfect WordPress theme for your website. WordPress custom theme development let you choose a theme as per the needs and requirement of the website. At the end, it must help create a site that is both user friendly and search engine friendly.

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