CRM Implementation

5 Key Challenges in CRM Implementation

When it comes to the success of a business, customer satisfaction is paramount. For consistent maintenance of success, customers need to be satisfied. It requires regular interaction with them. It also entails the understanding of their requirements and expectations. It is essential to provide high-quality products or services at best price. These interactions need to be tracked as well as analysed properly. For customer relationship management, CRM software can do wonders for an organization. A CRM software is essentially a strategy which is implemented through a software solution. It generally assimilates data from all the customer related departments. These departments can be sales, marketing, or customer service. For a better understanding of the customers, CRM software is required. But most of the companies face challenges in shortlisting a top CRM solution. Best CRM solution is essential to analyse the entire capabilities of a product. It should have various features and functionalities. It includes data segmentation, response tracking, campaign management etc. A CRM solution needs to provide box security, online/offline access and scalability. It should also offer third-party integration and must have deployment flexibility

But when it comes to CRM implementation, a company can face a plethora of challenges. Mentioned below are such major challenges.

#1. The first challenge is to define the clear objectives of the company. These objectives are needed to be achieved through a consistent process. This process includes implementation of customer relationship management. The company needs to ensure that the objectives are duly measurable. By means of doing so, the company can assess both the benefits and challenges of CRM. It can also track the ROI or return on investment.

#2. One of the most difficult among CRM challenges,is the appointment of core CRM team. Most of the organizations which implement CRM assume it be as an IT project. A company needs to form a core CRM team to work with different stakeholders. They include senior executives, end users and customer support professionals. This team needs to understand the requirements of these stakeholders. After clarifying objectives and requirements, IT team can initiate CRM implementation process.

#3. The next challenge is pertaining to the definition of the processes. The implementation process of CRM needs to be defined clearly. This ensures the success of the CRM project. The best practice is to build a central repository. This should be accessible to all. It stores all the definitions of the process. It also allows the document to be duly available for reference. Anyone can assess them using the system. The major processes that need to be defined include two things. First is change management process while second is feature re-evaluation process. Along with this, security measures with essential access should be at the place. Authorization need to be placed in order to prevent unauthorized access. This avoids data and security attacks. For correct implementation, a business can hire any of the top CRM implementation companies.

CRM Implementation

#4. Another key challenge is re-alignment of CRM with the company culture. It is essential to map business operations with the CRM applications. It allows end users to execute daily operations using the CRM applications by default. It also allows the company to keep track of everything via a single platform.

#5. The next major challenge is finding the correct CRM partner. Such partner assists the company in ensuring the success of the CRM project. It is essential to select a partner which cater all the CRM requirements of the company. They include consultation, customization and development. It also includes integration and maintenance which are also essential requirements. The right partner needs to blend with the company’s work culture. It should also understand the challenges of CRM system and potential risks. It should also have the knowledge of methods to deal with these risks and challenges. For instance, when it comes to Salesforce CRM implementation, the business requires a right partner. In the absence of such partner, it can lead to many complications.


CRM implementation can certainly boost the various facet of a company. It can increase sales efficiency as well as customer satisfaction. It can streamline the business processes. It can also lead to identification and resolving of bottlenecks. All of these directly contributes to the revenue of the company as well as repeat business. CRM solutions have become a necessity in the business world. This has led to increasing demand for such solutions resulting in increased CRM software development. The reason is simple: customer retention weighs the most in the success of a business.

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