SEO of Music Websites

How to do SEO of Music Websites

Music offers a lot of opportunity to anybody who wishes to start their own blog. After all, this is something that will never go out of fashion, and people will keep searching for it forever. Here, you can create variety of options, such as music based on particular genre, singer or even actor. But just creating a blog will never be sufficient.

Creating a website or a blog is the 1st step. And next comes its marketing. You would definitely want people to come to your website and stay tuned to what you are offering. Now this can be done with the help of Digital Marketing. And the most important aspect of this marketing is Search Engine Optimization, i.e., SEO.


There are variety of options how you can market your music website using Digital Marketing. Everybody is aware of popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. For starters, begin promoting your website on these platforms. They offer you a wider approach than any other platform.

But digital marketing does not always begin after you have created your website.It usually starts when you are planning out the approach. And when you are beginning with something related to Music, then it is all the more important. Since this is not a niche subject, rather a very generic one, and many people already have the data you would be providing. So, taking care of SEO of your website should become your priority.

Below are some of the key pointers you need to keep in mind while doing the SEO and Digital Marketing of your business.

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Pick a product to offer

Even though you have selected Music as your business, still you need to be specific. You need to pick the right product. What you want to do with Music? Will you be creating a generic site or niche? Will you show English or Hindi songs only, or Mix and match?

In 2018, Music streaming sites are getting wildly popular. Many new websites have come up. For Example, look at to see how they present rankings for Hindi Music in a very fashionable way.

You need to address all the questions carefully before beginning the site. And it must be good! People should be interested to come to your site and watch or listen to your music.

Name of the Website – Build a Brand

Build a Brand

Next comes picking a name. Yes, people usually think what’s the harm even if you create fancy names? But this thing doesn’t always work. Try to name your website after something you wish to do with your work. If you are creating a music website, try to include “Music” keyword in your domain name. Even if not, you need to do its SEO strong. We wil come to this point later in this article. Meanwhile, consider this article to learn more about keyword research.

The name of the website is not just a formality. Rather, it becomes a brand with which you would be recognized always. DO NOT keep changing your brand identity. Select one and stay with it. Once your website becomes popular, people are going to recognize you with your brand identity only. For example, Amazon and Quora. They are today known among the most popular brands on the Internet.

SEO of the website

This is the most difficult part. You know what you want to show, and you even have a website, but now, you need Google to see it and show in its rankings. For that, keep check of following points.

  • Meta Tags: Each page in your website should have a proper SEO title and Meta description.
  • External links: Include external links to authoritative websites wherever applicable. But do not overdo it. Also include links to internal articles.
  • Images with Alt text: All the images in your website should definitely have a relevant alt text. Try to use a short phrase that aptly describes that image or article, and what people really search for.
  • Optimize: Your website should be optimized on regular basis. It should take less time to load and has a user friendly interface.
  • Be original: Google does not encourage people who have copied the content. Hence, try to create your own original content as much as possible.
  • Copyrights: Keep track that you do not violate any copyrights anywhere. For example, using copyrighted images or songs.



Next in line is content. After doing everything, let’s put some material in your website. Adding only music will be of no help. You also need to write some good quality articles to attract the viewers. Remember, a good quality. Writing just for the name sake will not be good enough. You need to do a quality research on what people are looking for.

For Example if your article is about songs of Guru Randhawa, then make sure that you do not start writing life story of the singer. It should be a Highly relevant article and to the point. You can learn more by taking a look at this example.

Once you have the data on what people want and how many people want that, begin writing. Don’t just write whatever that comes in your mind. You need to take care of SEO as well. You need to embed such keywords in your article which makes sense with your topic and people are searching for.

In addition, try to include everything regarding that particular topic. For example, if you are adding a song, include all information related to that song. Like basic information (singer, director, producer, genre, language, etc.), song lyrics, video of that song, some additional stuff related to that song. If you do this, the bounce rate of your website would drastically reduce and people will stay engaged in your site.

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Social Recognition

Social Recognition

After having everything ready, time to share your website. Make official accounts on various social media platforms and begin sharing your content on regular basis. Try to keep topics engaging along with sharing your own content. For example, amidst sharing posts from your website, you can play Musical quizzes on the Facebook, or can take a poll on best singer. Also use #Hashtags, wherever possible. This helps people come to your article when they search for that particular hashtag.

Use images and text alternatively. Do not fill your blog with only clickable content. Whether you add images or articles, DO NOT ever write Click Bait articles. For example, ‘Guess what this singer did in the morning?’. Such articles are generally discouraged by the social media platforms and can cause you more harm than benefit.

Various social media platforms that you can use are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Tumblr, Reddit, Google Plus, Pinterest and many more. Try to reach out through every channel you can.


This is optional. But if you want people to engage more on your site, encourage writing blogs related to music there. Forums or blogs always bring traffic back, and is highly loved by the people. Building a trustworthy relationship with the bloggers will only benefit you in future. Maybe they can be of more help to you anywhere in near future.

Read More:

  1. On-Page SEO Practices For Newbie
  2. Quality Blogs List That Accept Guest Posting
  3. Top 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Modern Age Web Developers

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