SEO Trends

6 SEO Trends 2018 You Can’t Afford to Ignore

With a plethora of factors and components that collectively influence Google search Algorithm, SEO has now become an intricate field. And it has become critical for nearly every business to know the rules and effective strategies to rank higher on SERPs and stay competitive.

As Google is striving hard to improve the quality of search results, it is high time for SEO agencies to improve their strategy and follow the latest SEO trends in order to stay ahead of the curve in 2018.

It seems like 2018 will be an exciting year for SEO, let’s explore what the year has in store for brands and check out some latest SEO trends that businesses should keep an eye on.

1. Voice Search and Digital Assistants:

Voice search technology has entirely changed the way we perform our everyday tasks. The rise of digital assistants is transforming the way users search their queries. According to Google, 1 out of 5 searches are voice queries. This is totally transforming the search market and businesses are expecting a bigger shift towards voice search this year.

It is advised to keep voice searches in mind while creating an SEO strategy for your business in 2018 and focus on more long-tail keywords and natural language to increase your chances of getting higher rankings.

In coming years, there will be more and more people using voice search from their mobile devices and expecting more relevant and accurate results. For SEO companies, it is important to carefully research the voice search intent in order to provide more accurate results, helping Google algorithms to provide the best answer.

In addition, voice search is predicted to grow quickly with its integration in smart home devices, helping brands access big data, while users enjoy a seamless experience through their devices. With the rise of digital assistants, it is a great opportunity for brands to make the most out of SEO and content both to connect their brand with a user in a unique and impressive way.

2. More Videos and Images:

Today, more visual-friendly social media networks have made it important for brands to create visual online interactions. Images and videos have now become an important element to create long-lasting connections with your audience. This year, we will see how Google consider images for SEO rankings.

3. Visual Search:

Visual search is the next big thing in the online marketing world. With the perfect combination of

Technological innovation and user experience, brands can take searching to a whole new level. As internet becomes more visually focused, it is the right time for brands to explore the real potential of visual search. Some established search engines such as Pinterest, Bing and Google have already invested in creating powerful visual search engines to make the most of this latest SEO trend.

While creating your 2018 EO strategy, it is important to consider how users consume visual

Content and how search engines are evolving its search algorithms. Interactive visuals have now become more engaging; therefore, brands are advised to focus on optimizing their visual content for SEO purposes and realize the power of visual search.

4. Mobile First Indexing:

 Mobile First Indexing:

In 2018, businesses need to focus on mobile-first approach, as 57% of web traffic generates from mobile devices. So, you can’t afford to lose your mobile rankings. Remember, there is a big difference between the way that keywords rank on desktop and the way they rank on mobile.

Focus on your mobile-first content to increase your chances of being visible in mobile search results. Mobile optimization and voice search technology can help brands to create a successful SEO strategy in 2018 by facilitating the search experience through personalized and relevant experiences.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

AI and machine learning are also changing the way how websites rank on search results. Machine learning can facilitate users to find the more relevant and contextualized results, thus creating more personalized experience. With the advent of voice search and digital assistants allow brands to develop artificial intelligence and make important tweaks in their SEO strategy to stay ahead of the game.

6. User Experience:

Providing a great and seamless user experience will become a critical success factor in 2018. Google wants brands to deliver smooth and positive UX for their website visitors. A positive user experience can increase your chances of getting maximum user engagement, thus helping search engines determine which pages matter most to consumers. In short, user experience will be key to generating maximum traffic and creating an engaged consumer base. So, companies are advised to offer a remarkable user experience across all devices to create a loyal audience.

Key takeaways

Believe it or not, 2018 will be an amazing year for 2018, there will be a number of SEO trends that will change the practice of optimizing for search. Now SEO doesn’t mean to rank on the top of organic search results, some other factors such increase your website traffic, create a loyal, engaged audience, offering a positive UX, adopting voice search and other latest technologies can yield better results. SEO agencies need to stay up to date with all these latest trends and come up with an effective SEO strategy to grow their brand in 2018.

Read More:

  1. How to Read Search Analytics from Google Search Console
  2. Tips on Google AdWords Planner
  3. The Data Highlighter: What is Data highlighter and how is help structured data of website?

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